We believe the full sensory symphony of satisfaction that comes with a gorgeously crunchy baguette - where the crusty exterior and the soft fluffy interior warmly coexist - is the perfect metaphor for designing a quality life.

Whether you’re seeking support on behalf of a workplace, within a team, or as an individual, we strive to support you with practical tailored solutions that meet you where you are while guiding you towards an even smoother path of excellence.

As the Founder of Crunchy Bread Culture Studio, building genuine connection with a sense of purpose is not only my personal passion, it’s a skill I’ve cultivated through the years with formal education, 12 years of creative agency experience, and present interaction with the world around me. I’ll know I’ve done my job if you walk away from an engagement feeling a breath of fresh air that only comes from personalized, white glove service from someone who cares.


As the Founder of Crunchy Bread Culture Studio, building genuine connection with a sense of purpose is not only my personal passion, it’s a skill I’ve cultivated through the years with formal education, 12 years of creative agency experience, and present interaction with the world around me. I’ll know I’ve done my job if you walk away from an engagement feeling a breath of fresh air that only comes from personalized, white glove service from someone who cares.

Aligning people while celebrating
personal expression


Making an impact starts by asking the right questions upfront to sincerely get to the root of what’s going on so we can compassionately pinpoint what’s needed as guidance. Since dynamics are often interrelated, and usually evolving quickly, it’s important to make sense of individualized realities that lead to collective understanding. We call this tapping into the

Crunchy Goodness Orbit.

Change doesn’t happen in a pinch.

But we know that’s how quick help is needed in-the-moment. Crunchy Culture Crumbs is a collection of ongoing wisdom on our favorite topics with a read time of 5 minutes or less which will get you off the page and into the real world practicing your learnings in no time!